Monday, September 14, 2015

OPatch failed with error code = 41 on Windows 2008 R2

I ran into this error when I was installing patch 17 to on Windows 2008 R2. Recommended actions: OPatch needs to modify files which are being used by some processes. Even though I stopped all of the Oracle related services, it still failed with this same error. Here is how to resolve this issue:

1. Reboot server to safe mode
2. Rename ORACLE_HOME directory to something else
3. Reboot server to normal mode
4. Rename ORACLE_HOME directory to what it was
5. Apply patch as usual.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Set up TDE in 12c RAC

1. In 12c RAC, keystore location can be in either ASM or ACFS filesystem. We are using ASM in this setup:
Edit RDBMS HOME's sqlnet.ora to add below lines:

2. Set ORACLE_UNQNAME in .bash_profile:
In .bash_profile, set ORACLE_UNQNAME after ORACLE_ID is set:
    export ORACLE_UNQNAME=`$ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvctl config database |grep -w ${ORACLE_SID%?}`
Set ORACLE_UNQNAME in CRS, otherwise v$encryption_wallet and gv$encryption_wallet show different information.
    srvctl setenv database -d TDEDEMO -T "ORACLE_UNQNAME=TDEDEMO"

4. Create the keystore:
SQL> administer key management create keystore '+PSDATA/WALLET/TDEDEMO/' identified by "password1";

keystore altered.

5. Open the keystore:
SQL> administer key management set keystore open identified by "password1";

keystore altered.

6. Create the master key:
SQL> administer key management create key identified by "password1" with backup using 'TDEDEMO';

keystore altered.

7. Activate the master key:
SQL> select key_id from v$encryption_keys;


SQL> administer key management use key 'AazYtFb200+Nv7T4i/i5e4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' identified by "password1" with backup using 'TDEDEMO';

keystore altered.

8. Backup the keystore (can't backup from ASM to non-ASM, or vice versa, with error ORA-46620: backup for the keystore cannot be taken)
SQL> administer key management backup keystore using 'TDEDEMO' identified by "password1" to '/psoft/backup/wallets/';
administer key management backup keystore using 'TDEDEMO' identified by "password1" to '/psoft/backup/wallets/'
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-46620: backup for the keystore cannot be taken

SQL> administer key management backup keystore using 'TDEDEMO' identified by "password1" to '+PSFLASH/WALLET/TDEDEMO/';

keystore altered.

9.  Create an auto_login keystore:
administer key management create auto_login keystore from keystore '+PSDATA/WALLET/TDEDEMO/' identified by "password1";